Strengthening Coordination and Rapid Response with DG ECHO

Support from the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG-ECHO) has been instrumental in reinforcing and expanding the Global Education Clusters’ Capacity Development, Needs Assessment and Cash and Voucher Assistance work, and Rapid Response Mechanisms.

2017-2019 Action: Strengthening Coordination of Education in Emergencies

Through their Enhanced Response Capacity, DG ECHO provided support to the Global Education Cluster from 2017-2019 to develop and review key needs assessment and coordination tools and provide the necessary support for implementation and sustainability.

ECHO support as well as contributions from key partners such as NORCAP and REACH enabled the Global Education Cluster to:

  • Overhaul the existing Global Education Cluster Core Skills Training to produce the new, comprehensive Core Coordination Training (Learn More)
  • Invest in Cash and Voucher Assistance for education in emergencies, including the development of the first Synthesis and Guidelines, geared towards demystifying cash for coordination staff (Learn More)
  • Update its Needs Assessment Package, including the development of the Guide to Coordinated Education in Emergencies Needs Assessments and Analysis as well as an associated Coaching Program (Learn More)
  • Support country clusters and working groups to develop comprehensive cluster strategies (Learn More)

2019-2021 Action: Strengthening Rapid Education Responses in Emergencies

In 2019, DG ECHO announced new support to the Global Education Cluster through their Enhanced Response Capacity to strengthen rapid education responses in emergencies. Specifically, the Global Education Cluster will work with partners such as UNICEF, Save the Children, UNESCO, Norwegian Refugee Council, and REACH to improve access to safe and quality education for children and young people in early phases of emergencies.


Generously funded by DG ECHO. 



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