Global Education Cluster Strategy 2022-2025

Strengthen capacity for coordinating education in emergencies, improve the quality of education in emergencies response for all affected children and youth, contribute to prepared and resilient education systems, advocate for the prioritization of education in emergencies are the four strategic objectives guiding the Global Education Cluster for the period of 2022-2025.

The GEC 2022-2025 Strategy at a glance

GEC Strategy infographic


The strategy is also built around three core principles, which describe the priority values that will guide the GEC in achieving its mission and underpin all of its activities:

Core Principle 1: Equitable and principled partnership

Core Principle 2: Accountability to, and inclusion of, affected people

Core Principle 3: A connected and holistic approach

This strategy’s strategic objectives (see below) outline actions to ensure these principles are implemented.

This strategy’s four strategic objectives for 2022–2025 outline the GEC’s key areas of work to ensure that Country Education Clusters at both national and sub-national levels have the required support to coordinate humanitarian responses that fulfill the right to quality education for crisis-affected children and youth. These objectives are interdependent and mutually reinforcing but are articulated separately to clarify specific areas of GEC’s work. While the GEC Team will lead actions to strengthen education coordination, the four objectives are also designed to rally the education sector to collective action. Achieving them will require ongoing and consistent support, active contribution and leadership from the Education Cluster’s partners. The GEC Partners Forum will drive collective actions toward the strategic objectives, which will be further detailed in the GEC’s results framework.

Operational partnerships are also at the core of the new strategy. Strong partnerships are the foundation for a well-coordinated, accountable and quality education in emergencies response, so the GEC embraces a collective approach, working with and through partners to achieve its aims.The GEC has broadened and deepened its operational partnerships in recent years, promoting collective action through complementarity, leveraging comparative advantage of partners and efficient use of resources.

The Strategy is available in English, French and Spanish.

Strategic Objectives

Strategic Objective 1: Strengthen capacity for coordinating education in emergencies

Empower Country Education Clusters to deliver IASC core coordination functions in line with humanitarian principles and minimum standards for humanitarian action

Strategic Objective 2: Improve the quality of education in emergencies response for all affected children and youth

Support Country Education Clusters to coordinate responses that provide equitable, inclusive and protective learning and well-being opportunities for children and youth affected by emergencies

Strategic Objective 3: Contribute to prepared and resilient education systems

Promote continuity of education and, in collaboration with national education authorities, contribute to crisis-sensitive education systems

Strategic Objective 4: Advocate for the prioritisation of education in emergencies

Leverage GEC’s unique operational overview and global position to advocate for prioritizing and appropriately resourcing education in emergencies


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