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End of Mission Report Template

A template for Cluster Coordinators and Information Management Officers to use at the end their your mission

  • Coordination: Cluster Management

Assessment Report Presentation on the Effect of Ebola on Education in Liberia

Needs assessment report presentation prepared by the Liberia Education Cluster on the effects of ebola on education in Liberia.

  • Coordination: Needs Assessment
  • Emergency: Epidemic
  • HPC: Needs Assessment & Analysis

Assessment of the Effect of Ebola on Education in Liberia

Following the Ebola outbreak, schools in Liberia were ordered closed in July 2014. They remained closed for more than 7 months, until the start of the school year 2014/2015, from 16 February onwards. In order to determine the impact of Ebola on education in Liberia, the Ministry of Education and…

  • Coordination: Needs Assessment
  • Emergency: Epidemic
  • HPC: Needs Assessment & Analysis

The Education Cluster Thematic Case Study Series

Shared information, experiences and knowledge are the foundations for guiding decision-making within the Global and country-level Education Clusters. Access to the tacit knowledge held by individuals involved with the work of the Education Cluster as well as representatives from UN agencies, non-…

  • Coordination: Coordination, Knowledge Mangement
  • Emergency: Earthquakes, Floods
  • Technical Areas: INEE Minimum Standards, Protection

Lessons Learned from Horn of Africa Drought Crisis

The purpose of this lessons learned exercise is to highlight the key elements of the Education Cluster coordination and response that worked well, which worked less well and why, and to articulate recommendations for improvement.

  • Coordination: Knowledge Mangement, Inter-Sector Coordination
  • Emergency: Drought, Displacement
  • HPC: Operational Peer Review and Evaluation
  • Technical Areas: Protection

L'Education - un élément essentiel d'une intervention humanitaire

Ce document propose une synthèse des information clés pour plaider en faveur de l'inclusion de l'éducation dans toute réponse humanitaire.

  • Communicaiton: Communication Materials
  • Coordination: Advocacy
  • HPC: Resource Mobilisation, Strategic Planning
  • Technical Areas: Protection

Conseils Pour Le Plaidoyer: A L’Intention Des Coordinateurs Du Cluster Education

Dans ce document, nous faisons le point sur les principales stratégies, objectifs, arguments et ressources que doivent connaître les coordinateurs afin de mener une stratégie de plaidoyer réussie.

  • Communicaiton: Communication Materials
  • Coordination: Advocacy
  • HPC: Resource Mobilisation
  • Technical Areas: Protection

Somalia Lessons Learned

The Global Cluster hired an independent consultant to conduct a light touch lessons learned exercise in Somalia. The purpose of this review was to highlight issues within the education Cluster that should be followed-up at the country level.

  • Coordination: Knowledge Mangement
  • Emergency: Conflict, Complex, Drought, Floods
  • HPC: Operational Peer Review and Evaluation

Haiti Earthquake: Education Cluster Lessons Learned Report

This report summarizes the lessons related to the Education Cluster’s response to the Haiti earthquake in 2010. A total of 40 recommendations are included in this document.

  • Coordination: Coordination, Knowledge Mangement
  • Emergency: Earthquakes
  • HPC: Operational Peer Review and Evaluation
  • Technical Areas: Protection

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