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Strategic Advisory Group Terms of Reference Template

If you need to develop a Strategic Advisory Group ToR this example from South Sudan might prove a helpful starting point. It will need to be contextualized to your context.

  • Coordination: Cluster Management, Cluster Strategy
  • Emergency: Conflict, Complex, Displacement
  • HPC: Strategic Planning

Modele de Strategie du Cluster

Ce modèlepeut êtreaussi bienutilisé lorsqu’il y aun Plan de Réponse Stratégique/Humanitaire intersectorielle, quelorsquecela n’est pas le cas. Chaque ClusterÉducationou groupe de travail ÉSU devraitdéveloppersa propre stratégie, qui serviracomme un outil de planification afin de définir la…

  • Coordination: Coordination, Cluster Strategy
  • HPC: Strategic Planning

Joint Education Needs Assessment Terms of Reference Template

Draft and agree-upon a ToR which should include: a brief background to the assessment, objectives, proposed sampling strategy and geographic coverage, data collection technique, expected outputs, roles and responsibilities, and timeframe. It is important to draft this ToR early in the assessment…

  • Coordination: Needs Assessment
  • HPC: Needs Assessment & Analysis

Joint Education Assessment Report Template

"The assessment coordinator is responsible for ensuring the assessment findings are turned into a user-friendly report. The assessment report template in the Needs Assessment Package contains the structure and information intended to help assessment coordination teams write their reports."

  • Coordination: Needs Assessment
  • HPC: Needs Assessment & Analysis

Information Management Officer Terms of Reference Template

When recruiting an Information Management Officer use this template to develop the ToR. Customize where needed.

  • Coordination: Cluster Management, Information Management

Global Education Cluster Strategic Plan 2017-2019 Revision

This report is the outcome of a mid-term review of the 2015-2019 Global Education Cluster Strategy. culminating in an updated strategic vision and strategy map that builds on the previous two years of work.

  • Coordination: Coordination, Leadership
  • HPC: Strategic Planning

Education in Emergencies Response Plan for Afghanistan

Education in Emergencies Response Plan for Afghanistan prepared by the Education Working Group in November 20106.

  • Coordination: Cluster Strategy
  • Emergency: Conflict, Complex, Displacement
  • HPC: Strategic Planning
  • Technical Areas: Protection

Education Cluster Terms of Reference at Country Level

Use this template to develop your Cluster's Terms of Reference

  • Coordination: Coordination, Cluster Management, Leadership

Cluster Coordinator Sub-National Terms of Reference Template

When recruiting a sub-national coordinator use this template to develop the ToR. Customize where needed.

  • Coordination: Coordination, Cluster Management

Cluster Coordinator National Terms of Reference Template

When recruiting a national cluster coordinator, use this template to develop your ToR. Customize where needed.

  • Coordination: Coordination, Cluster Management

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