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Accountability to Affected Populations Checklist

This checklist provides guidance for integrating accountability to affected populations throughout the Cluster Strategy document and development process. It follows the same step-by-step structure as the full Guide to Developing Education Cluster Strategies Available in the Strategy Package.

  • Coordination: Coordination, Cluster Strategy
  • HPC: Strategic Planning
  • Technical Areas: Accountability to Affected Populaiton

Modele de Strategie du Cluster

Ce modèlepeut êtreaussi bienutilisé lorsqu’il y aun Plan de Réponse Stratégique/Humanitaire intersectorielle, quelorsquecela n’est pas le cas. Chaque ClusterÉducationou groupe de travail ÉSU devraitdéveloppersa propre stratégie, qui serviracomme un outil de planification afin de définir la…

  • Coordination: Coordination, Cluster Strategy
  • HPC: Strategic Planning

Meeting Minutes Template

A template for coordination staff to use for meeting minutes.

  • Coordination: Coordination, Cluster Management
  • HPC: Implementation & Monitoring, Needs Assessment & Analysis, Operational Peer Review and Evaluation, Strategic Planning

Education Cluster Strategy Workplan Template

Use the Strategy Workplan Template for listing all tasks and activities for developing a Strategy along with assigning responsibilities, identifying specific outputs with timeframes and deadlines.

  • Coordination: Cluster Strategy
  • HPC: Strategic Planning

Workplan with Gantt Chart Template

Use this template to develop your cluster or working group workplan. Read through the instructions on the first tab to learn how to use this template.

  • Coordination: Cluster Management
  • HPC: Implementation & Monitoring, Strategic Planning

Cluster Coordination Performance Monitoring (CCPM)

Cluster Coordination Performance Monitoring (CCPM) is a self-assessment exercise. Clusters assess their performance against the six core cluster functions and accountability to affected populations. It is a country-led process, supported globally. Ideally, it is carried out by all clusters/sectors…

  • Coordination: Coordination, Knowledge Mangement
  • HPC: Operational Peer Review and Evaluation, Coordination

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