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  • Coordination: Needs Assessment
  • HPC: Needs Assessment & Analysis

Participatory Sessions with Children - Template

"Conducting KIIs or FGDs with children and/or young people should be quite different than KIIs or FGDs with adults; they should be age-appropriate. Use art, drawing, theatre and other similar activities to allow the children to express issues and concerns in a safe and non-distressing manner.…

  • Coordination: Needs Assessment
  • HPC: Needs Assessment & Analysis
  • Technical Areas: Accountability to Affected Populaiton

Education Clusters Indicators

The humanitarian indicator registry is complementary to the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC) reference module. The education indicators listed in the registry have been developed by the Global Education Clusters.

  • Coordination: Cluster Management, Needs Assessment, Information Management
  • HPC: Implementation & Monitoring, Needs Assessment & Analysis, Strategic Planning

DHNetwork Presentation

Global Education Cluster webinar on the Digital Humanitarian Network and potential areas to support country clusters.

  • Coordination: Needs Assessment, Information Management
  • HPC: Implementation & Monitoring, Needs Assessment & Analysis

The Short Guide to Rapid Joint Education Needs Assessments

The Short Guide is a stand-alone reference tool to help you plan and conduct a rapid joint needs assessment. You can also use it in situations where there are no clusters and education is coordinated through a sector working group.

  • Coordination: Needs Assessment, Inter-Sector Coordination
  • HPC: Needs Assessment & Analysis

Putting Children at the Centre

These guides are intended as practical guidance for Save the Children staff working at Head Office and within country programmes who want to support children’s meaningful involvement in the governance, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of their work. The guides have been written…

  • Coordination: Coordination, Needs Assessment
  • HPC: Needs Assessment & Analysis
  • Technical Areas: Accountability to Affected Populaiton

Petit Guide des Evaluations Rapides Conjointes des Besoins en matière d’Education

Le Petit Guide est un outil de référence indépendant destiné à vous aider à planifier et à réaliser une évaluation rapide conjointe des besoins. Vous pouvez également vous en servir lorsque l’éducation est coordonnée par un groupe de travail de secteur.

  • Coordination: Needs Assessment, Inter-Sector Coordination
  • HPC: Needs Assessment & Analysis

Pakistan Assessment Working Group Terms of Reference

In order to further strengthen the inter-cluster coordination on assessments, the ICCM requested OCHA to establish an Assessment Working Group (AWG). The group was composed of cluster and agency needs assessment representatives and/or experts. OCHA chaired the Assessment Working Group and this…

  • Coordination: Cluster Management, Needs Assessment
  • Emergency: Floods
  • HPC: Needs Assessment & Analysis

Joint Education Needs Assessment Toolkit

This toolkit provides robust guidance for conducting joint needs assessments in the first weeks and months of an emergency. This toolkit is divided into four parts: I) guidance; II) modules; III) tools; and IV) annexes. This toolkit accompanies RJENA

  • Coordination: Needs Assessment, Inter-Sector Coordination
  • HPC: Needs Assessment & Analysis

Oral Consent Form

An Orgal Consent Form for documenting the permission to use interviews, film, photos, tape and video in emergency situations.

  • Coordination: Needs Assessment
  • HPC: Needs Assessment & Analysis

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