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Cash and Voucher Assistance Checklist

Part of Global Education Cluster Strategy Package

  • Coordination: Knowledge Mangement
  • HPC: Strategic Planning
  • Technical Areas: Cash Programming
  • Coordination: Advocacy
  • Coordination: Knowledge Mangement
  • HPC: Coordination
  • Technical Areas: COVID-19
  • Emergency: COVID-19

The Protective Role of Education in Emergencies

This framing paper discusses why education is critical, in that it provides essential protection, dignity and development of children and youth in crisis

  • Communicaiton: Communication Materials
  • Coordination: Advocacy
  • Technical Areas: Protection

Education Cluster Advocacy and Key Message Design Tool

"Example of an Education Cluster Advocacy Design Tool "

  • Communicaiton: Communication Materials
  • Coordination: Advocacy, Cluster Strategy
  • HPC: Resource Mobilisation, Strategic Planning

Annotated Reference Guide Attacks on Education

This Guide accompanies and complements The Role of the Education Cluster in Monitoring, Reporting and Responding to Attacks on Education: Field Guidance for Education Cluster Coordination Teams. The Annotated Guide contains a selection of recent global resources with a high level of relevance to…

  • Coordination: Coordination, Advocacy
  • Emergency: Conflict
  • HPC: Implementation & Monitoring, Needs Assessment & Analysis, Strategic Planning
  • Technical Areas: Attacks on Education



  • Coordination: Advocacy

Education - An Essential Component of a Humanitarian Response

This document offers a synthesis of key information to advocate for education to be part of a humanitarian response: the rationale for EiE, the benefits of providing education, the risks to out of school children, how education strengthens other sectors

  • Communicaiton: Communication Materials
  • Coordination: Advocacy
  • HPC: Resource Mobilisation
  • Technical Areas: Protection

Cluster Coordination Performance Monitoring (CCPM)

Cluster Coordination Performance Monitoring (CCPM) is a self-assessment exercise. Clusters assess their performance against the six core cluster functions and accountability to affected populations. It is a country-led process, supported globally. Ideally, it is carried out by all clusters/sectors…

  • Coordination: Coordination, Knowledge Mangement
  • HPC: Operational Peer Review and Evaluation, Coordination

Lessons in Leadership: Save the Children's Experience of Co-leading the Education Cluster

This report contributes to the growing body of evidence that strong partnerships between UN agencies and NGOs improve the coordination of humanitarian response. Save the Children commissioned this report in 2011. It is intended to provide a record of our experiences so far in co-leading the…

  • Coordination: Coordination, Knowledge Mangement, Leadership
  • HPC: Operational Peer Review and Evaluation
  • Technical Areas: Protection

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