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Assessment Preparedness Checklist

This checklist lists activities to help Education Clusters and Sector Working Groups prepare for assessments.

  • Coordination: Needs Assessment
  • HPC: Needs Assessment & Analysis

ACAPS Questionnaire Design Summary

This summary provides an overview of the basic rules to build an effective questionnaire. It is divided into three parts: purpose and principles of questionnaire design, the ten steps of designing a questionnaire and a set of do’s

  • Coordination: Needs Assessment
  • HPC: Needs Assessment & Analysis

Un retour en arrière : impact de la crise sur l'éducation en République centrafricaine depuis décembre 2012

En décembre 2012, différents groupes rebelles rassemblés sous le nom de Séléka(«coalition» en sango) ont lancé une campagne militaire qui a abouti à la prise de Bangui le 24 mars.Le système éducatif a été gravement touché par cette crise: les écoles ont fermé dans quasiment tout le pays(et un grand…

  • Coordination: Needs Assessment
  • Emergency: Conflict
  • HPC: Needs Assessment & Analysis
  • Technical Areas: Accountability to Affected Populaiton
  • Coordination: Cluster Management, Needs Assessment
  • Emergency: Conflict
  • HPC: Needs Assessment & Analysis

Syria Integrated Needs Assessment Code of Conduct

This code of conduct provides basic standards in relation to interviewing and documenting information as part of the Syria Integrated Needs Assessment (SINA). The principles laid down in this code of conduct are to safeguard the best interests of respondents and enumerators for their immediate and…

  • Coordination: Needs Assessment
  • Emergency: Conflict, Complex
  • HPC: Needs Assessment & Analysis

Pakistan MIRA Provincial Assessment Working Group Terms of Reference

Pakistan is prone to repeated crisis which impact the well being of the population. In order to understand the impact of the crisis on the population, to understand their needs, identify their location, and develop an appropriate response to their needs, it is necessary to carry out an assessment.…

  • Coordination: Cluster Management, Needs Assessment
  • Emergency: Floods
  • HPC: Needs Assessment & Analysis

Pakistan MIRA Code of Conduct Agreement

This code of conduct provides basic standards in relation to interviewing and documenting information as part of the Multi-cluster Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA) of the areas where disaster occurs in Pakistan. The principles laid down in this code of conduct are to safeguard the best interests of…

  • Coordination: Needs Assessment
  • Emergency: Floods
  • HPC: Needs Assessment & Analysis

Jordan Joint Education Needs Assessment - Terms of Reference

The key objective of this Joint Education Needs Assessment (JENA) is to identify immediate education priorities through an analysis of the capacities and needs of affected children aged 3 to 18,and other relevant stakeholders.Following the INEE Minimum Standards for Education: Preparedness,…

  • Coordination: Needs Assessment
  • Emergency: Conflict, Displacement
  • HPC: Needs Assessment & Analysis

How to Approach a Dataset: Part1 - Database Design

his technical note provides guidance in how to set up a simple database suitable for storing small amounts of data as may be generated by a rapid assessment with relatively small sample sizes.It is aimed at supporting non-specialists in information management with a working knowledge of spreadsheet…

  • Coordination: Needs Assessment, Information Management
  • HPC: Implementation & Monitoring, Needs Assessment & Analysis

Guidelines for Children’s Participation in humanitarian Programming

The guidelines support emergency preparedness efforts to strengthen staff and partners’ capacity to support meaningful children’s participation, and include tips and and tools to enhance meaningful children’s participation in the emergency response and in transitions to relief, reconstruction and…

  • Coordination: Coordination, Cluster Strategy, Needs Assessment
  • HPC: Implementation & Monitoring, Needs Assessment & Analysis, Strategic Planning
  • Technical Areas: Accountability to Affected Populaiton

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