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People in Need Rationale Template

It is important to be as accurate, rigorous and transparent as possible when calculating and estimating PiNfigures. While this process can seem difficult and daunting, DO NOT BE INTIMIDATED! This template is intended to help you to take one step at a time.

  • Coordination: Cluster Strategy, Needs Assessment, Information Management
  • HPC: Needs Assessment & Analysis, Strategic Planning

Partner Project Peer Review Template

This document provides short guidance and a template for the peer review of Cluster partner project sheets which usually takes place as part of Humanitarian Response Plan or Flash Appeal processes. This is a key part of the harmonization process and will help ensure a quality and coordinated…

  • Coordination: Cluster Strategy
  • HPC: Strategic Planning

Education Cluster Strategy Template

An Education Cluster Strategy is a consultatively developed document that outlines the Cluster’s approach and operational plan for responding to an emergency. Strategy. Using the Developing Education Cluster Strategy Guide and the accompanying Education Cluster Strategy Template will help you…

  • Coordination: Cluster Strategy
  • HPC: Strategic Planning

Education Cluster Strategy Presentation

Education Cluster partners will have a key role to play in strategy development. It is important to present the Strategy process to Cluster members at national and sub-national Cluster meetings. This Education Cluster Strategy Presentation Template (in PowerPoint) will help you successfully…

  • Coordination: Cluster Strategy
  • HPC: Strategic Planning

Modele de Strategie du Cluster

Ce modèlepeut êtreaussi bienutilisé lorsqu’il y aun Plan de Réponse Stratégique/Humanitaire intersectorielle, quelorsquecela n’est pas le cas. Chaque ClusterÉducationou groupe de travail ÉSU devraitdéveloppersa propre stratégie, qui serviracomme un outil de planification afin de définir la…

  • Coordination: Coordination, Cluster Strategy
  • HPC: Strategic Planning

Education Cluster Strategy Workplan Template

Use the Strategy Workplan Template for listing all tasks and activities for developing a Strategy along with assigning responsibilities, identifying specific outputs with timeframes and deadlines.

  • Coordination: Cluster Strategy
  • HPC: Strategic Planning

Cluster Coordination Performance Monitoring (CCPM)

Cluster Coordination Performance Monitoring (CCPM) is a self-assessment exercise. Clusters assess their performance against the six core cluster functions and accountability to affected populations. It is a country-led process, supported globally. Ideally, it is carried out by all clusters/sectors…

  • Coordination: Coordination, Knowledge Mangement
  • HPC: Operational Peer Review and Evaluation, Coordination

Lessons Learned from Horn of Africa Drought Crisis

The purpose of this lessons learned exercise is to highlight the key elements of the Education Cluster coordination and response that worked well, which worked less well and why, and to articulate recommendations for improvement.

  • Coordination: Knowledge Mangement, Inter-Sector Coordination
  • Emergency: Drought, Displacement
  • HPC: Operational Peer Review and Evaluation
  • Technical Areas: Protection

Somalia Lessons Learned

The Global Cluster hired an independent consultant to conduct a light touch lessons learned exercise in Somalia. The purpose of this review was to highlight issues within the education Cluster that should be followed-up at the country level.

  • Coordination: Knowledge Mangement
  • Emergency: Conflict, Complex, Drought, Floods
  • HPC: Operational Peer Review and Evaluation

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