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Joint Education Assessment Work Plan Template

The Joint Education Assessment Work Plan Template outlining tasks, person(s) responsible and a potential time frame. This template serves simultaneously as a work plan and as a checklist for the entire assessment process.

  • Coordination: Needs Assessment
  • HPC: Needs Assessment & Analysis

Joint Education Assessment Report Template

"The assessment coordinator is responsible for ensuring the assessment findings are turned into a user-friendly report. The assessment report template in the Needs Assessment Package contains the structure and information intended to help assessment coordination teams write their reports."

  • Coordination: Needs Assessment
  • HPC: Needs Assessment & Analysis

Education Cluster Strategy Workplan Template

Use the Strategy Workplan Template for listing all tasks and activities for developing a Strategy along with assigning responsibilities, identifying specific outputs with timeframes and deadlines.

  • Coordination: Cluster Strategy
  • HPC: Strategic Planning

Education Cluster Assessment Inventory Tool

Prior to conducting an assessment, contact relevant actors and find out who has, is or will be conducting an assessment, what methodologies and tools they are using, and their geographic focus. Record these assessments in the assessment inventory tool (see below) which should significantly help you…

  • Coordination: Needs Assessment
  • HPC: Needs Assessment & Analysis

Checklist for Developing Data Collection Tools

A useful checklist for managing data collection

  • Coordination: Needs Assessment, Information Management
  • HPC: Needs Assessment & Analysis

Assessment Working Group Terms of Reference Template

"To help identify key decisions and information needs and reach consensus on their prioritization, create an Education Cluster AWG, even if undecided about conducting an assessment. This template is designed to help you create your Assessment Working Group ToR. The template will need to be…

  • Coordination: Cluster Management, Needs Assessment
  • HPC: Needs Assessment & Analysis

Assessment Preparedness Checklist

This checklist lists activities to help Education Clusters and Sector Working Groups prepare for assessments.

  • Coordination: Needs Assessment
  • HPC: Needs Assessment & Analysis

Participatory Sessions with Children - Template

"Conducting KIIs or FGDs with children and/or young people should be quite different than KIIs or FGDs with adults; they should be age-appropriate. Use art, drawing, theatre and other similar activities to allow the children to express issues and concerns in a safe and non-distressing manner.…

  • Coordination: Needs Assessment
  • HPC: Needs Assessment & Analysis
  • Technical Areas: Accountability to Affected Populaiton

Cluster Coordination Performance Monitoring (CCPM)

Cluster Coordination Performance Monitoring (CCPM) is a self-assessment exercise. Clusters assess their performance against the six core cluster functions and accountability to affected populations. It is a country-led process, supported globally. Ideally, it is carried out by all clusters/sectors…

  • Coordination: Coordination, Knowledge Mangement
  • HPC: Operational Peer Review and Evaluation, Coordination

Lessons Learned from Horn of Africa Drought Crisis

The purpose of this lessons learned exercise is to highlight the key elements of the Education Cluster coordination and response that worked well, which worked less well and why, and to articulate recommendations for improvement.

  • Coordination: Knowledge Mangement, Inter-Sector Coordination
  • Emergency: Drought, Displacement
  • HPC: Operational Peer Review and Evaluation
  • Technical Areas: Protection

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