UNICEF, the GEC launch Disability Inclusive EiE Key Tools and Case Studies

Education and Disability teams at UNICEF along with the Global Education Cluster have launched a compendium of tools and five case studies on Disability Inclusive Education in Emergencies (EiE), to support development for children with disabilities and fulfil their right to education in humanitarian contexts.

For children with disabilities, access to education is often inequitable due to compounded barriers such as stigma and discrimination, inaccessible services and invisibility in data. Exclusion from education can also result in exclusion from other services and opportunities for socialization with peers, resulting in isolation and increased risk of abuse and violence. For girls with disabilities, these barriers and their impacts can be exacerbated even further.  

These tools aim to improve EiE frontline workers’ access to existing technical resources so they can appropriately plan for and implement quality inclusive interventions, and aim to create frameworks that enhance the transition from emergency response to long-term development.  

The case studies provide examples from seven countries that illustrate some of the key operational challenges and solutions at country level to integrate disability inclusion at various stages of the response, including preparedness, response, and recovery/reconstruction.

Based on a literature review of disability inclusive education in emergencies guidance, the key tools included in the compendium are designed to signpost frontline staff to key resources to support the development of inclusive education in emergencies. The suggested resources are intended to be accessible and easy-to-use by specialists and non-specialists alike.

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Case studies coming soon


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