Launch of the GEC Data Repository

The Global Education Cluster has just released its Data Repository.

What is the Data Repository?

Education Clusters and Working Groups play a foundational role in the collection and dissemination of quality, up-to-date, and disaggregated data. This data is crucial for strengthening evidence-based responses.

The Global Education Cluster Data Repository is a new centralized information platform, bringing together critical data points from country-level responses, including People in Need, People Targeted, People Reached, and funding levels. This makes the Data Repository an essential resource for the sector to inform decision-making, including planning, response monitoring, advocacy, and resource mobilization.

The data available is from 2021 onwards. It can be filtered by year or country and can also provide a global overview.

Click here to access the data

Sources of Data

The data is sourced from country Education Clusters/Working Groups as well as:

  1. Humanitarian Needs Overviews (HNO) for People in Need (PiN), Humanitarian Response Plans (HRP) for People Targeted, and response monitoring tools for People Reached.
  2. Financial Tracking Service ( for funding figures.
  3. Response monitoring tools for active partner figures (who implemented activities within the HRP).

Key Figures (People in Need, Targeted, and Reached) methodologies vary from country to country and from year to year, thereby constraining meaningful comparisons. The data displayed in the Data Repository excludes sensitive information, ensuring the confidentiality and security of the data.

Frequency of Updates

The Data Repository will be updated based on the following schedule:

  1. People in Need and Target figures will be updated upon publication of Humanitarian Needs Overviews and Response Plans at the beginning and mid-year.
  2. The figures for People Reached and Active Partners will be updated mid- and end-of-year upon the release of achievements data.
  3. Funding figures will be updated three (3) times a year: January (for the final figure of the previous year), June (following the publication of the Response Plans) and August.


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