GEC at HNPW 2024

The Global Education Cluster participated in the annual Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week (HNPW) 2024 organized by OCHA to connect with partners, present new work and advocate for the critical value of Education in Emergencies in the humanitarian response. In addition to speaking on a panel for the launch of the new INEE Minimum Standards for Education, the GEC co-organized the following sessions: 

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Strengthening Coordinated Approaches to Anticipatory Action in the Education Sector - May 6

The GEC and Geneva Global Hub for Education in Emergencies (EiE Hub) co-hosted a session to launch new guidelines on anticipatory action in the education sector. The guidelines aim to help education clusters coordinate inter-agency efforts on anticipatory action, enhance preparedness, support the provision of rapid and quality education in emergencies, strengthen education advocacy work, and contribute to nexus-focused programming.
Read more and watch the session

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Promoting Local and National Actors’ leadership in clusters and AoRs through co-coordination approaches - May 1

As part of its commitment to localisation, the GEC, local partners and other clusters joined forces to host a session on promoting local leadership in co-ordination mechanisms. The discussion provided valuable insights, lessons, and recommendations around how various clusters and AoRs, including the Education Cluster, are enabling co-coordination by local and national actors in coordination mechanisms. 
Watch the session

child on crutches against beige wall

Disability inclusion in humanitarian coordination: What have we learned? - April 29

Organized by the Disability Advisory Group, this session presented progress over the past 5 years on strengthening disability inclusion in humanitarian coordination, including in needs assessment and response planning, and provided a space for identifying concrete actions to further advance this work. Experiences and views were presented from country and global levels to contribute to understanding of how disability inclusion can best be reflected in a lightened Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC).
Watch the session



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