Using Cash and Voucher Assistance to its Full Potential for Children's Education

16th February | 12:30-13:15 | Side Event at the Education Cannot Wait High Level Financing Conference | Hybrid: Geneva, Switzerland and Virtual (online HLFC registration required)

Join the Global Education Cluster Cash Task Team - co-chaired by Plan International and World Vision International – during their side event at the 2023 Education Cannot Wait High Level Financing Conference to unpack how Cash and Voucher Assistance can be used for its full potential to achieve positive educational outcomes for children, young people, and their communities, especially girls and children with disabilities.

Taking place on 16th February from 12:30-13:15, the event will convene a panel of speakers to spotlight voices from country teams and partners and profile promising tools, approaches, and resources. Speakers include Dana Truhlarova Cristescu (Global Education Cluster), Marco Grazia (World Vision International), Solomon Bekele (World Vision International), and Emilia Sorrentino (Plan International).

Learn more about the GEC Cash Team, including key publications like the Synthesis Report and Guidelines on Cash and Voucher Assistance for Education in Emergencies, here.

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