Global Partners Project

With complex and protracted crises affecting more lives than ever in recent history, identifying and promoting ways to help children maintain education is an urgent priority. There are today 264 million children and youth who are out of school. More than 75 million children and young people aged 3-18 are currently in urgent need of educational support in 35 crisis-affected countries. Enhanced joint planning, coordination and response among entities providing education in emergencies interventions is critical to effectively meet growing needs of crisis affected populations.

Recognizing this, the Global Education Cluster, UNHCR and the Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies joined together in 2017 to strengthen joint planning, coordination and response, with the ultimate goal of supporting the education of children and youth living in humanitarian and protracted contexts.

With generous support from the Education Cannot Wait fund, the three entities launched the Global Partners’ Project, which has two key objectives:

1.       Strengthened Evidence Base on Joint Coordination, Planning and Response

Firstly, the Global Partners’ Project seeks to provide education in emergencies practitioners at all levels with enhanced knowledge around joint coordination, planning and response. To do this, the three entities commissioned Overseas Development Institute to undertake independent research and develop an evidence base on joint planning, response and coordination. The research examines how humanitarian and development actors can more effectively coordinate to strengthen education outcomes for children and young people affected by crisis. The evidence base comprises of an analytical framework, 6 country case studies (Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq, Bangladesh, Chad and Syria), and synthesis report, and will outline recommendations for action that can be taken by diverse stakeholders across different contexts.

The full suite of reports are available here

2.       Support to Country Coordination Teams and Partners

Secondly, the three entities seek to strengthen operational collaboration at all levels through the Global Partners’ Project to strengthen effective and harmonized coordination, planning and response. Findings from the evidence base will enable the three entities to put forward concrete recommendations and way forward to strengthen support to country coordination teams and partners, and support uptake of findings. Additionally, the Global Education Cluster, UNHCR and Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies announced a Joint Pledge at the 2019 Global Refugee Forum to continue working together beyond the Global Partners’ Project.



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