Education in Emergencies - Child Protection Collaboration Framework

Both education and child protection sectors have important and complementary roles in contributing to children’s needs to survive, develop and thrive, especially in situations of humanitarian emergencies. Inter-sectoral approaches emphasize our collective responsibility to protect children, and reflect their interconnected needs.

The Global Education Cluster and Global Child Protection Area of Responsibility have committed to work together to strengthen inter-sector coordination between child protection and education, and jointly developed a CP-EiE Collaboration Framework.

Download the CP-EiE Collaboration Framework and practical annexes, available in English, French and Spanish.

The CP-EiE Collaboration framework supports Education and CP coordination teams’ predictable and coherent collaboration throughout the Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC). At each step of the HPC, it provides steps to strengthen CP-EiE collaboration, promising collaboration practices from country coordination groups, and tools and resources to support collaboration.

Through collaboration, CP and Education coordination groups can together enhance the quality, coverage and accountability of the humanitarian response, and reach more children in need. The Global Education Cluster and Child Protection Area of Responsibility are providing dedicated support to country level CP-EiE collaboration efforts. Please contact your global coordinators or GEC and CP AoR helpdesks for more information and to request support



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