Coordinated Education in Emergencies Needs Assessment and Analysis Coaching Programme

Effective and accountable humanitarian response must be based on solid evidence and an accurate understanding of need. The Reference Module for Cluster Coordination at Country Level (IASC: 2015) outlines six core functions of clusters, one of which clearly articulates that it is the responsibility of the clusters to inform humanitarian decision making by preparing, coordinating and conducting joint needs assessments and analyses. This is crucial not only for high-level decision making by Humanitarian Coordinators, Humanitarian Country Teams and donors, but also for stakeholders implementing life-saving and life-sustaining interventions. Over the last two years, following the Grand Bargain commitments several inter-agency initiatives have been developed to ensure more independent, transparent, rigorous inter-sectoral needs assessments to inform humanitarian responses.

With generous support from DG ECHO, the Global Education Cluster developed the Coordinated Education in Emergencies Needs Assessment and Analysis Coaching Programme, building on the revised Guide to Education in Emergencies Needs Assessments and Needs Assessment Package. The Coaching Programme is an engaging and multi-dimensional initiative, combining both e-learning through Agora, UNICEF’s online platform, and in-person support, guiding participants through the process of conducting Joint Education Needs Assessments through five modules:

  • Identify key Decisions and Information Needs
  • Conduct a Secondary Data Review (SDR)
  • Plan and Design a Joint Education Needs Assessment
  • Collect, Analyse and Share Data and Findings
  • Harmonize Needs Assessments

To learn more about the Needs Assessment Coaching Program, contact the Global Education Cluster Helpdesk ( 



The Needs Assessment Coaching Program was generously supported by DG ECHO.



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