2019 Global Education Cluster Annual Partners Meeting

The 2019 Global Education Cluster Annual Partners Meeting took place from 27-29 March in Amman, Jordan.

The theme of the 2019 Annual Meeting was the protective role of education in emergencies, which is outlined in detail in the framing paper. The meeting was structured around protection as an organizing principle which informs humanitarian decision making - and that the responsibility for achieving protection and keeping vulnerable people from harm rests with the entire humanitarian community, including education actors. Education stakeholders have a special role to play, because access to education services contributes to the safety and security of children and can alleviate suffering through the provision of quality and protective learning that restores hope in the future.

The meeting consisted of a keynote address, plenary presentations and discussions, a market place and a series of small groups, structured around 4 key areas of potential enhanced collaboration between education and child protection, framed around the IASC Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC):

  1. Joint assessments and analysis – education and child protection 
  2. Joint planning and review – education and child protection 
  3. Joint implementation and monitoring – education and child protection
  4. Attacks on education and the role of the education clusters and the child protection coordination groups

The meeting was attended by more than 130 people including Education Cluster Coordinators, representatives of Ministries of Education, representatives of UN Agencies, donors and international NGOs, and global and country level representatives of the Child Protection Area of Responsibility. Overall 21 countries were represented.


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